This is the page where you can find hints and solutions for all the puzzles from The VOC Treasure.
If you don’t want to see this yet (or at all), leave this page now and come back when you need it.
If, for any reason you think you need help from the creator, please feel free to leave a message. Best is to use whatsapp. Most of the time I will reply really quick but it could take 24-48 hours.
Hints Wine Bottle:
Hints Ship Puzzle:
Fabric Sea Map Hints:
Hints for compass rose and the map with drawings of the 4 islands:
Hints Sea Map:
Hints a4 paper with, names, letters, steps and lines:
Hints wooden box:
Hints for the page of the ship’s journal and the two pictures:
Hints for the combined ship puzzle, 4 islands drawing and compass rose:
Hints logic puzzle and the final solution: